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15% SDGs on track due to climate change and extreme weather

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Halfway through meeting the 2030 Agenda for climate goals, the world is nowhere closer to meeting the objective. Climate change is causing global extreme weather events, with record temperatures causing global damage.

A new United in Science report by the World Meteorological Organization indicates that only 15% of the Sustainable Development Goals are on track due to climate change and extreme weather. According to the report, the 2030 Agenda’s half-time point indicates the planet is far from meeting its climate goals, hindering global efforts to address hunger, poverty, ill health, and improve access to clean water and energy.

The authors highlight the potential of weather, climate, and water sciences to enhance food and water security, clean energy, health, sustainable oceans, and resilient cities.


Between 1970 and 2021, nearly 12,000 disasters resulting in over 2 million deaths and 4.3 trillion in economic losses occurred. Over 90% of these reported deaths and 60% of economic losses occurred in developing economies, undermining sustainable development. Rising global temperatures and extreme weather conditions are causing a 66% chance of global near-surface temperatures exceeding 1.5°C.

Fossil fuel CO2 emissions increased by 1% globally in 2022 compared to 2021 and preliminary estimates from January-June 2023 show a further 0.3% rise, the authors noted in the report. The Paris Agreement’s temperature goal requires a 30% and 45% reduction in global greenhouse gas emissions by 2030, with CO2 emissions close to net zero by 2050.

On the other hand, the report highlights the benefits of weather predictions, integrating epidemiology and climate information, and early-warning systems in boosting food production, reducing poverty, and preventing climate-sensitive diseases.

Require real-time forecasting

For example, how weather predictions help boost food production and move closer to zero hunger. Integrating epidemiology and climate information helps understand and anticipate those diseases sensitive to climate. And early-warning systems help to reduce poverty by giving people the chance to prepare and limit the impact.

UN Secretary-General António Guterres warns that the global response is inadequate, and science is crucial for solutions. He emphasizes the importance of weather, climate, and water-related sciences in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals.

WMO Secretary-General Prof. Petteri Taalas emphasizes the science community’s unity in achieving the SDGs, highlighting the potential of groundbreaking technologies like climate modelling and AI to transform and safeguard sustainable development.

“The science continues to show that we are not doing enough to lower emissions and meet the goals of the Paris Agreement – as the world prepares for the first global stocktake at COP28, we must increase our ambition and action, and we must all do the real work to transform our economies through a just transition to a sustainable future for people and planet,” said Inger Andersen, Executive Director of the UN Environment Program.

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