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The Climate-Social Story of Kerala

Renjini Liza Varghese

Many of you may wonder why I titled my blog: The Climate Social Story of Kerala.

The main reason is the unprecedented social connect demonstrated by the local people and communities to reach out to the distressed, post-Wayanad tragedy.


What caught my attention first was the cooperative approach of the community and the government to handling a climate incident of this scale. I was impressed by the fast pace of mobilization for search and rescue operations, medical support, and food and shelter.

Evolving social fabric

The second, and most important point for me was the human connect and compassion for the orphaned children and the elderly. This at a time when many families are ruthlessly shifting their parents to old age homes in the state.

Another thing that caught my attention was the manner in which people came forward to help the children and the elderly.

I am listing below three key examples:

  • Breast-feeding infants
  • Adopting orphaned children
  • Adopting elderly people

The kindness no doubt manifests the significance of the S-factor of the social component in ESG, which is at play in this instance.

Unlike corporate compliance, which mandates enterprises conduct business ethically and socially responsibly or spend CSR funds for social good, this kindness wave was motiveless.

 It was a perfect setting of how people in a tight-knit community can selflessly put others before them, open doors to neighbours on even strangers in this case who may have been washed in the torrent from far-off villages.

Beyond the blame game:

The third thing that impressed me was a united political soul, one bared of ideological and political differences.

The netas were united and concentrated on search and rescue during the tragedy instead of gaining political mileage.

This rare unity in politics empowered the chief minister to take quick decisions and focus on saving maximum lives (humans and animals), and other rescue efforts.

Ofcourse, as is the normal course in politics, there was a fall-out. But that was after the emergency had passed and the primary work was completed.

From my perspective, what is now required is hard-core action. And here are some of the immediate action points I can think about.

  • Educate the local bodies and the communities about the impact of climate change.
  • Widen the scope of discussion and include the communities to prepare for climate incidents.
  • Use technology for prediction and mapping
  •  Create a social system that can spearhead rebuilding
  •  Create a dedicated fund for the entire activity outside the existing funds.
Our take:

The people of Kerala have set an example for the rest of the country and the world to follow. Such humanitarian acts go a long way in not just keeping the social fabric connected but also igniting HOPE in people that All’s not Lost yet.

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Nature’s Fury on a Rampage

Renjini Liza Varghese

Indeed, Nature’s Fury on a Rampage! For long, we have ignored the Natural warnings.

While the nation is limping back from the shock of the Wayanad landslides, we are hit with the news of a cloud burst in Uttarakhand, Malana dam rapture in Himachal Pradesh, and landslides in both states and floods (bulged rivers engulfing buildings). 14 casualties were reported from Himachal on 1st August alone.

As per news reports 32 rain-related deaths were reported in 24 hours from 7 north states. Considering all this climate casualties will easily cross 4-digit numbers this year. Recalling here, the numbers caused by nature’s fury were less than 400 last year.

Undoubtedly, extreme weather events like heat waves, droughts, landslides, cloudbursts, and flooding have been occurring in India. These events appear more frequently as climate casualties rise.

I would like to draw your attention to two important points here:

a) How vulnerable is India to climate change?

b) How to expedite remedial action?

As per a report published by the World Economic Forum, India is the most vulnerable country to climate change, followed by Pakistan, the Philippines, and Bangladesh, based on an HSBC ranking. The bank evaluated 67 markets on climate change vulnerability, extreme weather sensitivity, energy transition risks, and responsibility.

India is one of the countries highly prone to climate change. As per a Council on Energy, Environment, and Water (CEEW) report published in 2021, “more than 80 percent of India’s population lives in districts highly vulnerable to extreme hydro-met disasters.” This serves as a reference report for me as it is the first to include macro-level (district) assessments.

The study emphasized a few crucial points, including:

a) The southern region of India is most susceptible to the effects of extreme weather events, with the eastern, western, northern, north-eastern, and central regions following suit.

b) In the eastern and western regions of India, respectively, 59 and 41% of all districts are extremely susceptible to severe cyclone events.

c) India’s northeastern states are prone to flooding, while the country’s central and southern regions are more at risk of severe droughts.

d) The Climate Vulnerability Index (CVI) indicates that Assam, Andhra Pradesh, Maharashtra, Karnataka, and Bihar are extremely vulnerable to extreme climate events like floods, droughts, and cyclones.

According to the report, India’s climate vulnerability is primarily caused by an unsustainable landscape, inadequate infrastructure planning, and human-induced microclimate change.

Even though India is doing better than many of its global peers in terms of meeting its NDC targets, energy transition programs, and carbon emission reductions, the rise in incidents necessitates quick action.

Following are some suggestions that, if implemented on priority may help arrest the impact to a certain level.

a) Prepare a climate-ready community

b) Empower local bodies to tackle climate incidents

c) A crackdown on illegal/unauthorized/environmentally harming constructions

d) Ensure new constructions comply with the green norms

e) During infrastructural developments, secure areas that are landslide-prone with iron nets and safety tools

f) Promote sustainable ways at all levels

g) Stricter action against polluting entities or individuals

h) Reclaim land being commercialized in the environment-sensitive zones

i) Fast-track energy transition

j) More policies and regulations that enable climate action

I am an eternal optimist.

I am hoping we can calm Nature’s Fury.

I am hoping there will be action and that my hope does not remain, JUST HOPE.

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Renjini Liza Varghese

Every time a climate incident happens in Kerala, it is natural for all of us to recall Mr Madhav Gadgil’s painful words, “Things are getting worse in Western Ghats. … and it won’t take decades but a few years before we see disasters if remedy measures are not taken.”

My aim is not to rub salt in the angry wound but to draw everyone’s attention to the ignorance or ‘We know it all attitude.” The imperatives at all levels, including individual, family, community, local body, policy, regulatory, and implementation, are being altered.

The disaster in Wayanad, Kerala, is a stark reminder of the urgent need for action and accountability in climate change mitigation. It is devastating to note the number of causalities increasing every hour.

For those of you not familiar with Mr Madhav Gadgil, he is an ecologist who submitted a detailed report warning the Ministry of Environment and Forests about the drastic impact of climate change on ecology and the resultant effect on humanity. His insights throw a harsh light on the reality being played out.

I am stating a few recommendations from the report:

  1. Designate the entire Western Ghats as an Ecologically Sensitive Area (ESA).
  2. Categorize 142 taluks in the Western Ghats boundary as Ecologically Sensitive Zones (ESZ) 1, 2 and 3, (ESZ-1 being high priority)
  3. Restrict all developmental activities (mining, thermal power plants, etc)
  4. Avoid building new dams based on large-scale storage in Ecologically Sensitive Zone 1
  5. A change in the present system of governance from top-down to bottom-up (right from gram sabhas)
  6. Decentralize governance and empower local authorities.

The Western Ghats, which run parallel to the nation’s west coast, are older than the Himalayan mountain range. This 1,600 km-long mountain range spans the states of Gujarat, Maharashtra, Goa, Karnataka, Tamil Nadu, and Kerala and is located about 30 to 50 kilometres inland. It encompasses an area of about 140,000 sq km.

While the state machinery is being oiled for rescue operations and assessing the damages, the biggest question that arises is –Development versus Environmental Protection and Climate Change.

I will break the four key elements down for easy undersatnding.

1) Climate change:

Meteorology scientists who have been vocal about the change in rain patterns have highlighted some key points after the Kerala Tragedy.

  1. This year, in particular, there was a greater intensity of rain in a shorter amount of time. For example, Wayand received 24 cm of rain in a few hours, Mumbai received 30 cm in five hours in July, and Delhi reported high-intensity rain leading to floods.
  2. More cloud burst alerts for August.
  3. Leh Airport, India’s highest commercial airport, faces difficulties in landing due to rising temperatures and thin air density, a clear example of climate change impacting aero engines’ speed.
  4. Landslides throughout the western ghats — For the past few years, landslides have been reported annually in the Konkan region of Maharashtra, disrupting rail operations. Another incident with reported casualties is the recent landslide in Shirur, Karnataka.
2) Development vs Disasters:

Experts agree that many disasters classified under the natural category are undoubtedly manmade. They are the result of unscientific development with scant regard to the impact on the environment. The flooding and landslides reported from various states in India have a direct correlation to the developments in the region. I am highlighting this point not as an anti-development stand but as a precaution to keep Mother Earth in focus while planning development before nature’s fury wipes us out.

Let the development not be reckless. Let it support our growth.

3) Energy needs: hydro projects

Conventionally, India, for its energy requirements, developed hydroelectric projects for two potential reasons: a) cost factor and b) fuel availability. However, it has now been proven that hydroelectric projects are more environmentally dangerous than their advantages.

4) Climate casualties

In 2023, when recorded climate casualties started climbing, we thought it might be just a one-off thing. However, with this year’s heat-related deaths, floods and landslides, the numbers from natural calamities are rapidly climbing. We are sitting on a Climate Time Bomb!

We have crossed all the danger marks. Climate action and accountability can only save mankind.

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