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Decarbonizing India’s Real Estate Sector

WriteCanvas News

Infosys, AEEE, and IIHS have launched ASSURE (Accelerating Sustainable and Super-efficient Real Estate) to decarbonize India’s commercial building sector and promote global climate action and sustainability.

The program aims to construct 100 million sq. ft. of high-performance real estate in India by 2030.

ASSURE is the world’s largest initiative for implementing high-performance buildings, involving experts, innovators, enterprises, and government. It aims to provide technical assistance, foster entrepreneurship, collaborate with government, and engage financial institutions.

Nandan Nilekani, Co-founder and Chairman, Infosys, said, “India’s building sector presents a significant opportunity to make progress on our nation’s sustainability goals. ASSURE – our joint program – creates the next opportunity to make a significant impact on India’s environmental footprint, paving the way for a greener and more sustainable future for generations to come.”

Dr. Satish Kumar, President & Executive Director, Alliance for an Energy-Efficient Economy (AEEE), said, “By integrating rigorous performance validation and ambitious emissions reduction targets, we aim to transform building practices and drive real change.”

Aromar Revi, Director, the Indian Institute for Human Settlements (IIHS), said, “IIHS’ contribution to IPCC’s AR6 cycle, especially the 1.5 C Special Report and the Summary for Urban Policymakers, highlight the centrality of the urban and infrastructure system transition and building energy efficiency measures to deliver deep emission reduction goals of the Paris Climate agreement. We are excited about this opportunity to work with Infosys and AEEE in crafting actionable solutions that build on our impactful work on climate science, policy, and finance, capacity development, and innovation.”

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Steel industry, GHG emissions, Carbon footprint, Paris Agreement, Decarbonization

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5 key principles of new global steel climate standards

Sonal Desai

In a bid to advance climate strategy, advocate carbon emissions, and reduce greenhouse gas emissions in line with the Paris Climate Agreement’s 1.5-degree Celsius scenario by 2050, the Global Steel Climate Council (GSCC) has established Global Steel Climate Standards (GSCS).

The standards are based on the principles of reducing global steel industry GHG emissions, establishing technology/production method agnostic standards, aligning with a science-based glidepath to achieve a 1.5-degree Celsius scenario, requiring third-party verification, and providing sustainable steelmaking information to decision-makers across the value chain.

The GSCS defines a clear boundary for sources of greenhouse gas emissions, covering activities from mining to hot rolling. They include renewable energy and RTCs, and may include emissions reductions from biogenic CO2 and process off-gases, the council said in an introductory note. The standard also provides criteria for evaluating and certifying flat and long steel products as lower-carbon emissions steel, with companies able to certify as many or few products as desired. The standard promotes science-based emissions targets, aligning with the 1.5°C scenario and IEA projections for 2050, and re-evaluating them every five years.

The five key GSCS pillars:
1. Scientific: The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), the International Energy Agency (IEA), and the World Steel Association (WSA) are reputable sources on which the GSCC has based its extensive research and information compiled from the most recent climate science, steel industry data, and market projections. The goal is to make sure the standard is in line with the most recent findings in climate science and the objectives of the Paris Agreement to achieve sector-wide targeted reductions by 2050.

2. Quantitative: Based on clearly defined boundaries that include carbon-intensive processes in the steelmaking value chain, the Steel Climate Standard specifies numerical steel product carbon emissions intensity standards.

3. Comprehensive: Have established a comprehensive decarbonization program that includes product-based standards and a framework for establishing science-based emissions targets for steel producers. Both of these initiatives depend on a decrease in the intensity of carbon emissions on a carbon dioxide equivalent (CO2e) basis, which includes all pertinent GHGs. As technology develops over the next few decades, this product-focused strategy enables decarbonization to be practically achieved on a mill-by-mill basis, the council said.

4. Principled: Are based on an approach that is process agnostic and has a clear vision for the future of steel in a decarbonizing economy. We hold all steel producers to the same Steel Climate Standard by doing away with the “sliding scale” idea for ferrous scrap. In addition to providing market drivers for short-term reductions from the highest emitting sources as well as long-term investment in emerging technology needed to meet the ultimate decarbonization goal in 2050, this approach recognizes the steel manufacturers who have already made sizable investments in lower carbon technology, the council said.

5. Transparent: The GSCC’s framework aims to make the certification of products, the verification of emissions targets based on science, and the labeling for consumer/end-use applications simple.

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