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Biocon to Achieve Gender Parity by 2030

WriteCanvas News

Biocon and Biocon Biologics, a bio-technology company, is aiming to achieve gender parity by 2030.

Affirming the same, Kiran Mazumdar Shaw, Founder, Biocon said the initiative was aimed to create a more inclusive and balanced workforce.

She said having more women in the workplace makes organizations better and stronger.

Shaw shared her spotlight with Rhonda Duffy, Chief Operating Officer, Seema Ahuja, Global Communications Head, Biocon Biologics and Shaw’s personal assistant Lata Sharma at an event.

She expressed her pride in the many women in the organization, many of whom are in leadership roles.

Shaw also highlighted recent changes in government regulations, such as an amendment to the Factories Act of 1948 that allows women to work night shifts at factories.

“When you talk about gender parity, it’s not just the percentage of women working in organizations. It’s about ensuring parity in pay and promotions because what you really need to see is how you promote women and get them to play bigger leadership roles,” Shaw said at the event.

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Sustainable individual development (SID), DEI

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Sustainable Individual Development: Balancing Work, Life, and Health

Renjini Liza Varghese

In the contemporary world, the pursuit of sustainable individual development (SID) has become a paramount goal for many. This holistic approach encompasses various aspects of life, including work-life balance, healthy living, community involvement, and self-development. It is a vision that stands in stark contrast to the outdated notion of working excessively long hours, as famously suggested by Mr. Narayana Murthy. The implications of such a work ethic on issues like gender parity and employee well-being deserve careful consideration.

The concept of SID encourages us to evaluate our choices and priorities in light of our overall well-being. While it’s true that some individuals may find success by working 70 hours a week, it’s important to remember that one size does not fit all. The Infosys co-founder’s statement, while well-intentioned, could inadvertently widen the workforce gap, especially when striving for gender parity in the workplace.

Gender parity is a fundamental aspect of diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) initiatives that have gained considerable momentum in recent years. Organizations around the world are making substantial efforts to bridge the gender gap, promote equal opportunities, and foster an inclusive environment. Proposing long working hours as a norm runs counter to these essential efforts, potentially hindering progress.

The COVID-19 pandemic significantly transformed our world, especially the way we work. Flexible working arrangements have become the norm. While this has numerous benefits, it also has challenges. Increased stress, reduced social interaction, and health are among the top issues prevalent among working professionals. In this evolving landscape, employee welfare has emerged as a key focal point, particularly under the “S” factor of Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) compliance.

Of all the aspects within the “S” category, health takes precedence. Long hours of work can lead to various health risks—especially lifestyle-related diseases like hypertension and obesity. To maintain SID, a balance between work and personal life is essential. We must prioritize our health and well-being to lead fulfilling and productive lives.

Advocating for excessive work hours is counterproductive in today’s world. Rather than endorsing such practices, it is crucial to promote smart work and flexible working arrangements that enable individuals to be more productive without compromising their health and personal lives. SID involves considering the long-term impact of our choices on our well-being, our communities, and our world. It’s a vision that aligns with the evolving work culture and the growing emphasis on employee welfare and inclusivity. In a world that is changing rapidly, let us adapt and evolve while ensuring we prioritize our health and happiness on our journey toward sustainable individual development.

My mantra is to work smart, be flexible, and be productive!!! What’s yours?

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Gender Equality

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Who is widening the gender diversity gap in India?

Renjini Liza Varghese

I have noticed that business organisations of late have started taking a strong stance in favour of diversity by promoting gender parity. The focus is on inclusion and Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI).

The ground reality at the community level, however, is a far cry. Lip service tops the play on the subject in any Indian community where patriarchy still plays a dominant role. Announcements, therefore, frequently come out as empty platitudes, and the progress we have made is far from adequate. A report jointly released by UN Women and UNDP, two United Nations organisations, highlights this fact.

According to the report, India continues to have a distressingly low level of global gender parity (GGPI) and women’s empowerment (WEI). Her WEI and GGPI stand at 48% empowerment deficit and a 44% gender disparity, respectively.

On the tipping scale, we scored higher than our neighbours in central and southern Asia—an empowerment gap of 50%, but the scales dipped to 44 % in the gender gap vis-à-vis the other countries who fared slightly better at 42%.

For some time now, I’ve been considering penning my thoughts on diversity and inclusion. Thus far, I was scouting for an ideal subject to write. Even as I was pondering whether to start from the terms of employment practises at the organizational level? Or should I focus on the more crucial aspect of the upbringing of a child?

My thought process was jolted by local sports or commonly known as gully games. Outdoors, gully games are a common sight in any locality. As I watched the young guns screaming and making the sport noise, I realized that the teams were either all boys or all girls! When did the sports world at the gully level transition from a gender-neutral game to bond to a competitive sport for a single gender?

For instance, in my own residential complex, there is a widening divide between boys and girls who play the same sport at the same time, but separately.  When I compare this to a decade ago, I saw a mix of both—boys and girls roughing it out on the cricket field or the make-shift football stadium. Casual conversations with friends, acquaintances and relatives revealed that the norm persists everywhere. Infact, some haughty parents (who nonchalantly played with the opposite gender proudly claim that they are asking their children to develop separate `boys` and `girls` groups. Why?

Unintentionally so, but we are widening these gaps, creating the spasm and developing adults who would grow up to be uncomfortable in the presence of the opposite sex. Shouldn’t we start teaching kids about gender equality, diversity, and inclusion at a much younger age?

These kids are the torchbearers of tomorrow.  While it may appear that I’m criticising the way kids are raised, I’m actually pointing out a critical change that is required to hasten India’s growth trajectory. Combining gender parity and diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) is a difficult goal that must be built up gradually.

Let’s start young and raise a generation that truly understands the value of variety, inclusion, and equality.

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