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Renjini Liza Varghese

Globally, many countries recorded August 2023 as one of the hottest months. While some nations reported August to be the hottest in a century, some others noted it to be warmer in some decades.

Even in India, we recorded higher-than-normal temperatures. Many states and regions recorded explicit climate change. The high-terrain states like Uttarakhand and Himachal Pradesh were reeling under cloud bursts, heavy rains, landslides… The devastation continues. On the other hand, states like Kerala or Maharashtra, which should have been receiving monsoon showers, recorded very few monsoon showers. To the extent that Kerala was forced to sign more PPAs (the state meets 90% of its supply from hydro) for supply from other states.

In this context, India’s presidency at the G20 was keenly watched event. Climate action topped the agenda. Held in New Delhi on 9-10 September 2023, with ‘Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam’ (One Earth, One Family and One Future) as a theme, the leaders discussed steps to accelerate action to tackle climate change. The cooperation of G20 members plays a critical role in shaping the way forward.

It is an open fact now — the cascading effects have reversed the progress made in the 2030 Agenda and its Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). No doubt, the global greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions continue to increase, adversely affecting lives and livelihoods. As per reports by the UN, globally, challenges like poverty and inequality, climate change, pandemics and conflicts disproportionately affect women, children and the most vulnerable.

In the document released after the G20 meeting, the G20 Leaders agreed to take concrete action through partnerships.

They committed to 12 major points, of which I list the primary 5.

  • Accelerate the full and effective implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.
  • Pursue low-GHG/low-carbon emissions, climate-resilient and environmentally sustainable development. We will urgently promote Lifestyles for Sustainable Development (LiFE) and conserve biodiversity, forests and oceans.
  • Scale up financing from all sources to accelerate progress on SDGs.
  • Accelerate efforts and enhance resources towards achieving the Paris Agreement, including its temperature goal.
  • Close gender gaps and promote women’s full, equal, effective and meaningful participation in the economy as decision-makers.

I want to draw your attention to the officially released document. It elaborately touches upon the criticality of the energy transition, circularity, climate financing, the need to battle plastic pollution, the adoption of technology and gender equality. The document highlighted the role of private entities and corporations in climate action.

The document paves the way for concrete action. It lays down principles and opens avenues for partnerships. This means the time for action is NOW. Start ACTING. I would love these concluded points to turn into actions immediately. In my opinion, we have crossed the tipping point…. We are on the slide; the disaster can swallow us in a fraction of a second.

The pledge is taken. Promises made. Act NOW

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G20 Presidency: will India lead climate action agenda?

Renjini Liza Varghese

All eyes are on New Delhi. The world leaders will meet in the Indian capital city to attend the 18th G20 summit. I also will keenly observe the discussions as green growth, climate finance, lifestyle, environment, and sustainable development goals (SDGs) top the agenda of the meeting.

While there is a lot of brouhaha for the meeting and the global sustainability community is looking at us with hawk eyes, I am a tad worried. That is because the climate ministers meeting held earlier this year in Goa did not heed much results. The reason—these ministers have limited authority to take action.

On the other hand, I am hopeful. The theme of India’s G20 Presidency: Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam, which translates to The World Is One Family, is inclusive. It includes all forms of life- humans, animals, plants, and microorganisms. Simply put, one can say it emphasizes maintaining an environmentally sustainable condition both at the individual and national level.

In the modern era, developments drive economies and cannot be sidelined. But these developments can be accelerated with transformative actions that are based on environmentally friendly actions that are cleaner and greener. For which we need the political leadership to take that focused actions that are impact-driven and not just lip service. That also means quick actions and result-oriented actions with timelines set for short, medium and long-term goals.

Returning to the agenda set for September 9 and 10, 2023, the core objective of the summit is to join hands at the G20 level for strong economic growth.

However, the agenda also includes the following

  •  Advancing green growth, climate finance, and quality of life
  •  Expediting progress towards the sustainable development goals (SDGs), which is a welcome relief.

Let us consider what India witnessed during the monsoon season this year, August recorded the highest temperatures in different parts of the country. As a sustainability and climate action warrior, I would expect the countries to come up with quick action points. And India will create a leadership model to drive the climate action agenda. I hope it is not the usual summit to another summit ball rolling event.

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Leadership, political will & affordability required to address Climate

Renjini Liza Varghese

An Amazon delivery boy jumped into the customer’s pool to beat the heat. To many, this may present a comical respite. But for me, the incident highlights the severity of heatwaves in California and the reality of the impact of severe changes in climate and temperature on the human race.

The current last week is a case in point. As we inch toward the weekend, we have witnessed havoc caused by the heavy downpour in Asia including India, the hottest summer in many European countries, the heatwave in the US, etc.  No, I am not going to dive deep into the damage or to the data in this blog. But I want to draw your attention to a joint statement by the UN Climate Change Executive Secretary Simon Stiell and COP28 President-Designate Dr Sultan Al Jaber at the G20 Energy Ministerial in Goa last Friday (21 July 2023).

The crux is “align action and political will going forward towards the common goal of closing the gaps across all of the pillars of the Paris Agreement and get on track to keep 1.5C within reach.”

No doubt the leadership by the G20 is Indispensable in climate action as the G20 countries are responsible for 85% of the world’s GDP, and also 80% of the world’s emissions.

This means we all know what is required to transition towards a net-zero economy. But apprehension about the benefits, growth, fear of diminishing profits/market share, and so on keeps people and enterprises away from real action.  I am of the view that the tide can be turned. What is required is a firm political will combined with corporate actions. I am not saying, there is no action, but more needs to be done as the TIME TO ACT IS NOW.

As a part of the sustainability community, I believe that sustainable development and a climate-resilient world come with great benefits for growth, poverty eradication and more. It just needs a collective will.

Discussions around climate change and climate action dominate the world today. But statements such as the one reproduced below ring alarming bells.

“While the discussions at the G20 Energy Ministerial considered energy transition and aligning current pathways with the Paris Goals, the outcome did not provide a sufficiently clear signal for transforming global energy systems, scaling up renewable and clean energy sources and responsibly phasing down fossil fuels.”

The fact is that climate change is hitting the human race hard. And the ‘climate vulnerable’ are looking at these leaderships to take decisive actions.

But I am still hopeful as the same statement also spoke about a more focused approach. “The science demands a strong mitigation outcome at COP28 that drives a significant reduction in greenhouse gas emissions and builds on the progress of previous COPs. We call on the G20 to lead the way on the basis of both science and equity, laying the path to a strong and credible outcome that provides developing countries with the basis to undertake a just transition.”

I hope at the end of COP28 we have more concrete actions committed, combined with a stronger political will from across the globe that is purpose-driven than just a thought for benefits or profits.

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