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First Solar to Power India Manufacturing Facility with Cleantech Solar PPA

WriteCanvas News

American Solar–First Solar, Inc. has entered into a 15-year, captive Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) with Cleantech Solar. CleanTech Solar is a provider of renewable energy solutions to corporations in India and Southeast Asia.

Cleantech Solar will construct 150 MW of PV solar and 16.8 MW of wind assets in Tamil Nadu, providing 7.3 GWh of clean electricity to First Solar’s new 3.3-gigawatt (GW) vertically integrated solar manufacturing facility.

The agreement:

Cleantech Solar plans to meet 70% of the facility’s electricity needs by Q3 2024, replacing 7,000 kilotons of CO2 emissions. They will purchase 150 MW of India-made Series 7 thin film solar panels from First Solar. The modules will be used to power the PPA’s solar PV section. Delivery of the modules is anticipated in the first half of 2024.

The agreement is believed to be one of the largest intra-state PPAs in India and the projects being developed across Cleantech Solar’s renewable energy parks in Tamil Nadu are already providing solar, wind, and hybrid energy solutions to its corporate customers. With this latest agreement, Cleantech Solar’s total portfolio size in Tamil Nadu now stands at nearly 500 MW across operations and construction stages, and includes solar, wind, and hybrid power projects, the companies said in a press release.


“Our new manufacturing facility in Tamil Nadu sets a high benchmark for responsible and sustainable vertically integrated solar manufacturing, not just in India, but globally,” said Sujoy Ghosh, Vice President and Managing Director, First Solar, India. “By powering our operations with clean, renewably-generated electricity, we are working to further reduce our environmental footprint, which is already the lowest in the industry.”

“This collaboration enables our partners’ efforts to diversify their energy sources, integrate renewable energy into their operations, and achieve a higher degree of stability and sustainability in their power supply. This partnership exemplifies our commitment to advancing sustainable energy solutions and reinforces our position as a key player in the renewable energy landscape. We look forward to a mutually beneficial relationship with First Solar, contributing to the growth and success of both organizations,” said Sachin Jain, Chief Executive Officer, Cleantech Solar.


It must be noted that First Solar’s Tamil Nadu plant is the world’s first net-zero water withdrawal solar manufacturing facility, utilizing tertiary-treated reverse osmosis water from a sewage treatment plant. It also houses India’s first photovoltaic solar recycling plant, pioneering high-value solar recycling.

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How will the energy scenario look like in 2030?

WriteCanvas News

The energy scenario is set to change significantly by 2030, based on today’s policy settings, says a new IEA WEO 2023 report.

By 2030, the global energy scenario will undergo significant change, according to the International Energy Agency’s World Energy Outlook (WEO) 2023 report.

Ongoing major shifts, the rise of clean energy technologies, and economic changes are causing a surge in global demand for coal, oil, and natural gas. For example, the rapid advancement of solar, wind, electric cars, and heat pumps is significantly altering the way we power our homes, factories, and vehicles. Electric cars are expected to reach nearly 10 times the number on the road, the report notes.

The India picture:

According to WEO 2023, India is expected to meet its 2030 target of having half of its electricity capacity be non-fossil well before the end of the decade.

By 2030, India’s industry will produce 30% less CO2, and 60% of two- and three-wheelers will be electric. Progress is also being made towards universal access to modern energy, with 670 million people gaining access to modern cooking fuels and 500 million to electricity.

By 2030, India’s industry will produce 30% less carbon dioxide (CO2) than it does now, and passenger cars will emit 25%  less CO2 per kilometre on average. In 2030, about 60% of two- and three-wheelers sold will be electric—a ten-fold increase from the current percentage.

Global watch:
Scenario analysis:

The global population is expected to grow by 1.7 billion by 2050. Asia and Africa will be the largest sources of energy demand growth. Emerging and developing economies can achieve national energy and climate targets by implementing clean electrification, efficiency improvements, and transitioning to lower- and zero-carbon fuels.

By 2030, Indonesia’s renewable energy share of the country’s power generation will have doubled to over 35%. By the end of the decade, biofuels in Brazil will account for 40% of road transport fuel demand, up from 25% currently. In order to meet a variety of national energy and climate targets, sub-Saharan Africa must rely on renewable energy sources for 85% of newly constructed power plants by 2030.

By 2030, 670 million people will have access to modern cooking fuels and 500 million to electricity, marking significant progress towards universal energy access.

The global energy supply’s fossil fuel share is predicted to decrease from 80% to 73% by 2030. However, global energy-related carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions will peak by 2025.

5 pillars for a global strategy:

The WEO-2023 proposes a global strategy for getting the world on track by 2030 that consists of five key pillars, which can also provide the basis for a successful COP28 climate change conference.

  1. tripling global renewable capacity;
  2. doubling the rate of energy efficiency improvements;
  3. slashing methane emissions from fossil fuel operations by 75%;
  4. innovative, large-scale financing mechanisms to triple clean energy investments in emerging and developing economies;
  5. Measures to ensure an orderly decline in the use of fossil fuels, including an end to new approvals of unabated coal-fired power plants
Geopolitics, challenges, and impact:

The current high demand for fossil fuels is expected to hinder the Paris Agreement’s goal of limiting global temperature rise to 1.5°C. The energy system, designed for a colder world with fewer extreme weather events, is at risk of weakening due to increased heat records. The current policy configurations have significantly increased clean energy production, but the consequences of doing nothing could be catastrophic.

WEO-2023 explores energy security challenges in the Middle East, exacerbated by geopolitical tensions and the global energy crisis, aggravated by inflation and high borrowing costs. However, new LNG projects set to commence in 2025 are expected to increase capacity by over 250 billion cubic meters annually by 2030. These will account for nearly 45% of the world’s current LNG supply.

The increase in gas capacity may alleviate price and supply concerns. But it may also lead to a glut due to slowed global gas demand growth since 2010.  Russia will thus have very little opportunity to increase the size of its clientele. By 2030, its proportion of gas traded internationally, which was 30% in 2021, is expected to decrease to half.

WEO-2023 also examines one significant variable for the energy markets in the upcoming years—China. China, a major player in global energy trends, is experiencing significant changes due to its slowing economy and structural changes.  Its energy consumption is predicted to peak in the mid-2020s, with fossil fuel demand and emissions expected to decrease as clean energy growth accelerates.

The solar story:

The WEO predicts strong growth in solar PV this decade, with renewables contributing 80% of new power generation capacity by 2030.

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Supply chain decarbonization needs collaborative approach

WriteCanvas News

According to RMI analysis, the G20 nations can drastically reduce global Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions by transforming the logistics sector.

The G20 nations house two-thirds of the global population and are responsible for over three-quarters of international trade and GDP.

The G20 nations can enable transformation of the supply chain in the logistics sector, which plays a pivotal role in economic development. However, it is also a significant contributor to environmental challenges like carbon emissions, resource depletion, and air pollution. Recognizing the need for transformation, RMI (founded as the Rocky Mountain Institute) released a report on Transforming the Logistics Sector Across G20 Nations.

Akshima Ghate, who leads RMI’s India Program, shared that the report offers potential solutions to facilitate the supply chain. These include Zero-Emissions Trucking Corridors to scale ZET deployment. Logistics Parks can potentially serve as centralized hubs for all logistics activities, In addition to these solutions, the report features 17 more solutions with global examples that can serve as important learnings for G20 nations to contextualize and adapt.

Decarbonizing the logistics sector is important as it falls under the sizeable global CO2 emissions category. Logistics players must select the most appropriate solutions for their specific requirements. The need of the hour is a collaborative, multi-stakeholder approach to solution design.  And the nations can promote sustainable logistics through policy initiatives, infrastructure development, and financial investments.

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An agenda for change: Achieving sustainability to improve efficiency

Renjini Liza Varghese

Sustainability or green initiatives have set as a wider canvas for companies to define a set of standards to be more environmentally conscious. With climate change being a reality, and with the awareness of actions to arrest climate change increasing, all corporates feel the pressing need to initiate, activate, measure and audit the steps that are taken under sustainability.

Sustainability for each segment of business comes with varied set of compliances. Cement sector historically carries the burden of being the most polluting manufacturing. Starting from mining to packaging, there are various stages where the industry is burdened with the tag of being a polluting industry. Much has been changed in the recent decade with many of the companies, globally adapting measures to bring in improvement that are otherwise neglected.

Starting from bringing down excessive use of natural resources along with cutting down on impact on environment by controlling pollutions, the entities have looked at various measures broadly classifying them under environment, (emissions and waste management), water conservation, energy efficiency and switching to green energy from fossil fuels. This classification allows companies to draw a structure that culminates to tangible outcomes, which indirectly reflects on the capital expenses.

Various programmes

Many Indian cement companies over the last two decades have taken steps that are reaping results now. Sustainability programmes are not short term measures but long terms programmes. It is an ongoing process. Companies that have initiated the processes under the broader classification have further broke down it to actionable programmes like water neutrality, circular material, using efficient mining equipments, heat to recovery, setting up of renewable energy sources, and a clear road map for carbon negative targets.

It is a known fact that the cement industry is high on natural resources consumption -whether it is the raw material, water, energy. It is the third largest energy consumer. The sustainability programmes undertaken by the companies focused parallelly on all three. The first results were seen for the initiatives associated with water conservation and water positive programmes. The process includes water storage, waste water conversion and portable water supply. As a first step, some of the companies have converted their mining kits to store water. Some others have implemented no liquid discharge policy in the plant. This means that the water is recycled and used.

Companies like Ambuja Cement, Dalmia Cement and UltraTech Cement are already water positive. While the score of the companies varies from water positive 4 to 8, all of them have undertaken a mission to become water positive 20 to 30 in next 10 years.

At the same time, multiple energy efficiency programmes have been devised by cement manufacturers. Majority of them say that they are committed to the environment and that they focus on sustainable practices in the entire value chain of cement manufacturing. As per the studies, cement is the second largest carbon emitter and accounts for 6% of the global carbon emissions.

The climate change mitigation plans initiated globally have forced the cement companies to action measures that would bring down the carbon footprint. Clean, green and sustainable are three key areas that the cement companies are turning their focus to. The manufacturers have clearly carved a roadmap to become carbon neutral. Recalling here, globally, the set target for manufacturing companies to be carbon neutral is 2050. In CoP21, which is commonly referred as Paris Agreement or the Paris Climate Accord, it was agreed that all industry will implement measures to arrest the 2’C temperature rise.

Many of the companies have advanced their targets for 2040. Ashwani Pahuja, Chief Sustainability Officer and Executive Director, Dalmia Cement (Bharat) Limited, reveals that, in the last five years, the company has trimmed 17.6 million tonnes of carbon dioxide emissions from its operations.
He further elaborated, ??ur target is to become carbon negative by 2040. The first step is RE 100 by 2030 and fossil fuel replacement by 2035. Since the last decade, there are major initiatives on sustainability starting with material circularity, increased utilisation of industrial waste including fly-ash and and slag.

As per CDP (Carbon Disclosure Programme), Indian cement companies perform the best on climate-related metrics. If you further look, according to the recently published Science-Based Targets Initiative (SBTI), it has validated UltraTech Cement’s CO2 emissions reduction targets. The validation confirms that the company’s targets are in line with a 2’C temperature rise scenario under the Paris Agreement. The targets consist of a 27% reduction in Scope 1 CO2 emissions between 2017 and 2032 and a 69% reduction in Scope 2 CO2 emissions between 2017 and 2032. This corresponds to a 462kg/t net CO2 reduction for the produced cement.

Not just the manufacturers of cement but the equipment manufacturers are also jumping on the bandwagon. CASE India, a construction equipment company with a sizeable exposure in the mining segment has, in the recent past, adopted various sustainable and environment friendly technologies that helps to address CO2 emissions to a great level.

Sandeep Mathur, Brand Leader, CASE India, believes that the implementation of such sustainable technologies and equipment will take some time in India. However, the company is doing its bit and is investing in any change that protects the environment.

He said, The CE sector is moving towards sustainability and becoming more eco-conscious. The government is also coming up with norms like BSVI and is trying to deploy more environment-friendly vehicles and equipment on the road. At CASE, we value the environment and believe that each change contributes to the betterment of the world we inhabit. We have also been recognized as a Global Sustainability Leader for several years in a row.

Mathur further goes on to add that the company has introduced such sustainable, environment-friendly technologies globally. NH Industrial Project TETRA concept wheel loader is one such equipment. It is a sustainable, new Natural Gas (NG) Methane-Powered Wheel Loader. The concept ensures 15 percent less CO2 and 99 percent less particulate matter than its diesel-based counterpart. It is cheap and helps in reducing the carbon footprint of the company. CASE also launched the industry’s first Fully Electric Backhoe this year the 580EV, which has zero emissions and helps customers save as much as 90 percent in annual vehicle, fuel and maintenance costs,” he revealed.

All manufacturing companies have shifted their focus towards reducing their carbon footprints. Jagmohan Sood, Director and CEO, Jindal Stainless (Hissar)  another stakeholder of cement value chain, highlighted the need to bring in efficiency in the whole process of manufacturing. And according to him, sustainability is not a short term result-giving programme.

He said, “The effect of sustainability programmes is visible in the medium to long term. The initiatives that are taken now will convert to a tangible result may in a couple of years. Our company we work with a three-year schedule. Some companies follow a 5-year schedule and it is work in progress.”

Technology is the biggest enabler when it comes to climate change mitigation. The most visible part is in the energy efficiency initiatives. Replacing existing lighting with more energy efficient ones, replacing motors and other machineries with more energy efficient ones, more automation, moving from fossil fuel to green energy / biofuel/ heat to energy mode etc is part of the initiative.

Sood added, in 2017-18, we started the campaign towards energy conservation, renewable energy purchase, sustainable utilisation of natural resources. The result in the last year was a saving of 264 million units of electricity, and 11.5 Giga kilocalories in thermal energy. If compared to the last consumption period, it is 6% savings for JSL. That translates to a saving of Rs 25.5 crore. This translated to 16000 tonnes of carbon emission reduction.

This was made possible, Sood said, mainly because of the technological advancement seen in the segment.

While all agree technology is required, it also calls for further capital investments. Indian carbon markets may take little more time to develop and mature. Sustainability, as a programme, is still at a nascent stage in the country.

Pahuja, further added, is a standalone, it is very difficult to switch over to carbon neutral technologies unless there are very attractive carbon markets. In the near future, these carbon markets are likely to become active. There are Green Climate Funds to the tune of $100 million every year to the developing nations for carbon-neutral technologies.

Cement companies are of the opinion that they are aware of the environmental issues and are taking all possible measures to address it. And sustainability is the first step towards it. They feel that this ongoing process would require further attention and annual allocation from the company at least for next 10 years to achieve the climate mitigation targets.

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