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My Circle of Superwomen

Renjini Liza Varghese

International Women's Day is a celebration of women's achievements and a call for increased gender equality. This year, I want to shift the focus to the incredible women who have empowered me over the past year.

Traditionally, role models are often men. But the women in my life have been powerful forces, guiding and supporting me through thick and thin. Today, I want to celebrate these five extraordinary women who form an unshakable wall of support around me.

Rani Sreekumar: A Sisterhood Spanning Decades

Rani Sreekumar
Rani Sreekumar

My journey with Rani began over three and a half decades ago. We're practically twins, and her influence has been constant. An academician in the Maldives, she offers unwavering support, whether it's motivational pep talks, financial guidance, or a comforting presence during challenging times. Rani is a constant source of encouragement, a calming influence, and a true cheerleader.

Bhaswati Das: A Beacon of Strength

Bhaswati Das
Bhaswati Das

Bhaswati's mental fortitude never ceases to amaze me. Every conversation I have with her leaves me feeling empowered and resilient. She embodies strength, clarity, and unwavering positivity. Bhaswati's presence dispels any doubts and insecurities, leaving me ready to tackle any challenge.

Shiney Pradeep & Gayatri Ramanathan: Mentors and Guides

Shiney Pradeep
Shiney Pradeep
Gayatri Ramanathan
Gayatri Ramanathan

Shiney and Gayatri have filled the roles of elder sisters and mentors in my life. Shiney has always gone the extra mile to ensure my well-being, both physically and emotionally. Gayatri, once my boss, is now a confidante with whom I share a comfortable and open relationship. She's always there to help me navigate roadblocks and find solutions.

Sonal Desai: My Anchor in the Storm

Sonal Desai
Sonal Desai

Sonal is a constant in my life and the unwavering pillar of WriteCanvas. Through the turbulence of the past few years, she has been a lifeline, pulling me through difficult times. This isn't simply a thank you, but a testament to the vital role she plays in my life.

Celebrating Women: Beyond Recognition

This article is not just about expressing gratitude to these incredible women. It's a call to action. We often overlook the significant roles women play in our lives, readily crediting men for support and guidance. Let's change the narrative.

Working in the sustainability and climate action space, I pledge to be more inclusive and acknowledge the women who make a difference in my life—and in the lives of those around them. This International Women's Day, let's celebrate all the women who make an everyday difference in the world.

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